Welcome to my Terasaka Gang shrine!

The "Terasaka Gang" is the name used to refer to the friendship group of Terasaka Ryoma, Hazama Kirara, Muramatsu Takuya, Yoshida Taisei and Horibe Itona from the popular animanga series Assassination Classroom. You may have otherwise seen them called "Terasaka Squad" or "Terasaka Group" which derives from their Japanese name "寺坂グループ" (Terasaka guru-pu).They have a delinquent theme and are marked by their individual and entwined character arcs that see them integrate more with the rest of Class 3-E after their initial antagonism towards them and Korosensei while maintaining their strong bond with each other. Their relationship develops from a "leader and followers" set up to an inseperable group of friends who strongly rely on, understand, and care about each other. Their relationship, overall, can be summarised by Terasaka's character profile from the databook where they are referred to as his "best friends" and "treasure", as this was written at a point in the story where their personal arcs had essentially concluded leaving us to see the results.

About me & the shrine: What the Gang mean to me

During the original Covid-19 lockdown, I became reimmersed in an anime I had previously been a fan of - Assassination Classroom. At the time, my interest was more surface level, as my fixation on a 1971 cartoon The Funky Phantom absorbed most of my attention. However, over the months and going into 2021 I became more and more deeply fixated on my favourite characters, the Terasaka Gang, until they eventually became my special interest. The time frame, I believe, is important. I was the same age as the characters and profoundly lonely. I felt that disconnect and isolation from my peers so familiar to others with autism and the lockdown only exacerbated this. Finding them, their relationship and the themes of it, kept me going. At the time, I was still very entrenched in self consciousness, anxiety and shame. Over the years as I have grown older, I have learnt more to accept myself and unmask, and the Terasaka Gang undoubtedly played a significant role in helping me do so. I have run several fan pages for them across various socmed over the years and since finding out about neocities and the concept of shrines I knew I wanted to make one for the characters that are irremovable from myself.

This site aims to dump all of my knowledge and love for the Terasaka Gang in one place. The ultimate infodump, essentially. There will be equally dedicated sections to all the canon information we have on their relationship and them as individuals, my analysis and interpretations of them, and fan content both created by me (largely fanfiction) and from my friends and others if I get permission. I want to stress that as well as focusing on their overall relationship, my special interest pertains just as much to their five individual characters and the duos and trios within the quintet, and this shrine will reflect that. I love all five of them equally, albeit the way I express this love for them can differ, as they all have unique attributes. Basically, do not ask me to pick a favourite between them, I will cry (LOL).